Elevate your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being all in one place!
7 day free trial included :)

Kate Hissong, Founder
Elevate With Kate is therapy re-imagined
Making holistic & traditional therapies accessible for you. A sanctuary to elevate your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Unlimited &
On-Demand Access to Hundreds of:

Meditations: guided, meta, kundalini, & more!

Reiki & Breath-work sessions

Subconscious reprogramming therapy sessions

Movement that connects you to you: mat & reformer Pilates + Yoga flows


And so much more!
Receive 2 months FREE with yearly membership!

Kate Hissong, Founder
Meet Kate
“I am so passionate about sharing accessible mental health resources so that they can help as many people as possible because of my own journey with my mental health ! I know what it feels like to feel elevated in my mental, physical and spiritual well being, and I also know what it feels like to not know where to go or what to do to feel better. So that’s why I’m so grateful to be able to share the Elevate with Kate membership with you, so that YOU can elevate your state too.”
- Kate Hissong
Meet a few elevators!

“I absolutely adore Ang's pilates reformer classes! Her impeccably timed cues and smile always brightens my sessions, making each class an uplifting experience. Ang strengthens my body and relaxes my mind at the same time. My sessions with her are both revitalizing and challenging!”

"Jennifer's advice metamorphosed me from the caterpillar crawling with coping mechanisms I had outgrown into a soaring butterfly thanks to her integration of different therapeutic techniques in facilitating profound growth, allowing me to navigate life's challenges with resilience and self-awareness. Her book "I Love Me More" has been a transformative companion, providing invaluable insights and fostering positive change in my life."

“Lori's unique energy work has been so elevating for me, as I experienced a profound shift in the energy flowing through my body in ways I had never imagined or experienced before. Following a session with her, the chaos that may have clouded my mind dissipates, leaving a serene calmness that stays. Lori's ability to seamlessly embody both earthly and ethereal qualities creates a therapeutic space that feels simultaneously grounded and transcendent, making each session a truly transformative experience.”

JennaLee, Targeted Emotional Release Therapist
"JennaLee’s sessions have elevated my state and help me actually feel my feelings not the story I’m attaching to it. She’s helped me let go of limiting beliefs I was storing subconsciously and I feel so much more calm and peaceful in the present thanks to her!"

"Working with Anthony and doing his Quantum Leap Hypnosis track is reprogramming my subconscious mind and aligning me with the most elevated version of myself."

"I can feel the energy moving in my body during a meditation or reiki session with Oliver. He has very special gifts. If you’re new to meditation, I recommend starting with his guided ones. He’s so soothing!"
And many more therapists, healers, and seekers who have elevated Kate's state!

Join Elevate with Kate
During these self-paced sessions, programs, meditations, or flows, your mental, physical, and spiritual well being Elevates. Simply show up, click “play,” and let the experiences Elevate you!
- Kate Hissong